Stun Me

Isnin, 5 Disember 2011

MALAS NK UPDATE............

   aq nie mmng mls nk btol arr...kalau psl update mmng sori tol la.
walupun aq sbnrnye tkot sngt..(PMR)...tapi aq masih bley rilek ...(PLEk)...anyway...Aq harap sngt PMR succes giler taun dpan


Jumaat, 25 November 2011


i am to bored,but suddenly,an inspiration come and it tell to post this...................

Harmony Quran and Science

             Science and the Quran can not be separated. However, the Quran is not a science book. It is God's revelation. Revealed as a guide so that people can distinguish between the right of the vanity. However, there are verses which tells the story of the universe and the phenomena associated with it.
Science is discovery based on observations and studies performed by humans. In principle, the discovery of authentic nature will not be in conflict with the Quran. This is because the Qur'an and the universe comes from Allah: al-Quran was revealed by God and nature created by God. Both are from God. Thus, the relationship between the two is a harmonious relationship.
            Among the verses of the Qur'an that describes this relationship is verse 53 in Surah Fussilat which means, "Will We show them the evidence of the truth we are on the horizons (corner), and in their own, making it clear to them that the Quran is true. "
Some scholars interpret this verse a little differently. For them this verse means, "Will We show them the clear proofs in the horizons we (the corner), and in their own, making it clear to them that Islam is true."
                 However, in the book of Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Azim, Imam Ibn Kathir said, "(Allah) will show you the proofs and evidences in the universe that shows that the Quran is true." To discover and produce evidence and evidence from nature, science is required.
Next, in relation to God's word which means, "And on their own," Imam Ibn Kathir said, "Perhaps that is meant by this passage is that in the human body is amazing, as can be seen in the knowledge tasyrih (anatomy) All this will show the wisdom, the Creator. "To know and understand the system organs in the human body, science is also needed.
           The conclusion to be as-Sheikh Said Hawa on this verse is interesting. In the Tafsir al-Basic fit, he said, "In my book entitled" Ar-Rasul 'I show how God promises contained in this verse. If people look at every corner of the world and themselves, they will see something that allows the Qur'an. When they see what is associated with what is found in the Quran, they will believe that the Quran actually came from God. I have given many examples in this regard and those who read this tafsir (the Tafsir al-Basic fit) he will be understood more clearly. "
            In the Tafsir al-Azhar is Hamka said, "In this verse it is stated that the Quran is the truth more and more concrete. Proof of the truth will appear on every side but their own (human) self. Maybe some things when he described the Koran was first revealed yet understood, but later (when the times change) and the human brain to be (more advanced) will saw the truth. It is the Quran was revealed 14 centuries and a growing human knowledge about the world (more) bersinarlah secret truth of the Quran. "
         Thus, this verse is the bridge between science and the Quran. It suggests that the findings of current science related to natural and man will show, without doubt, the truth of the Quran. What is important is scientific research must be done is a study of authentic and verses from the Quran to be construed to be a single sentence that can be associated with it, after referring to the authentic interpretation. Thus, the findings of science can now be used to understand certain verses in the Quran.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

ITs alright,thats the way it should be.................becoming a person is a duty that soo big until i can take it..we got to be a caliph of the world!!CAN YOU IMAGINE IT!this duty is too big for me...i think..............

but,may god save,not hate me...may god save me...not hate me..........may god save me...not hate me...

FiRinG It uP!!

Starting the engine!!haha finally my succes blog.....